BHF London to Brighton 2025 Charity Packages

BHF London to Brighton 2025 Charity Application

We are excited to offer both existing and new charity partners the chance to fundraise through the iconic London to Brighton Bike Ride.

A range of Gold, Silver, Bronze & Starter packages are available – to get involved, complete the application to the left!

A reminder of our Packages

Gold – 75 Places
Silver – 35 Places
Bronze – 20 Places
Starter – 10 Places

What happens next once you’ve applied?

Applications will close 17th May. All charities taking part in the 2024 event will receive first allocation due to existing charity first refusal rights.

Once current charities have been allocated, we will then allocate all new charity packages on a first come first serve basis.

When will charity packages be launched & what is required? 

Please get ready for contracting & charity set up on the registration form by collecting together the following:

  • Charity/company number & address
  • Lead contact & email for Day to Day communication & signatory
  • Charity Logo
  • Short blurb about the charity (25 words)
  • If you wish to offer a jersey
  • JustGiving link to charities BHF London to Brighton fundraising campaign (Gold/Silver only)
  • A short blurb for confirmation emails around 25 words + main contact for participant (Gold/Silver only)
  • A short social post blurb about the charity & an image (Gold only)

Charities will be set up and launched in a phased manner, starting with Gold & finishing with Starter:

May 28th 
Gold Charities launched, as part of skip the ballot

July 1st 
Silver Charities launched, as part of skip the ballot

September 2nd
Bronze Charities launched, as part of skip the ballot

September 29th 
Ballot closes
Gold, Silver  & Bronze charities change to Charity Entries

Ballot announced

November 11th
Starter Charities launched

Charity Entry will continue to stay open until 2nd May 2025


 If you have any questions or would like anything further please contact us at: